At classes, they give examples from everyday life, not enforcing strict rules, letting the student understand the very nature of tango intuitively. “We observe our students, and every student has a different way of understanding, solidifying and perfecting their dance. It is a journey.” says Sercan, “We are constantly learning while we are teaching. Tango didn’t bestowed upon us. We are making the same journey as our students.”




Friday March 28th

WORKSHOPS & MILONGA: Galeria Ideal, Geibelgasse 14, 1150 Wien

17:30 - 19:00

Workshop #1: BEAUTIFUL WALK (All Levels)

understanding the magic of beautiful walk,
how to get grounded, how to train for a fluid walk from A to Z.

19:15 - 20:45
Workshop #2: VALS (Adv.)
Discovering the ways to use different kind of cadenas
21:00 - 01:00
Milonga @ Galeria Ideal
DJ: Vera Aseeva


Saturday March 29th

WORKSHOPS & GRAND MILONGA: Milonga Central, ÖTK Bäckerstraße 16,1010 Wien

17:30 - 19:00

Workshop #3: ENROSQUE

Get into the world of enrosque for men / the weapon of a woman, supportive and comfortable

19:15 - 20:45

Workshop #4: GANCHOS & BOLEOS

Combine ganchos and boleos in the flow without interruption (Adv.)

21:00 - 02:00

Grand Milonga  @ Milonga Cenrtal

Performance by Sercan Yigit & Zeynep Aktar

DJ: Helmut Höllriegl


Sunday March 30th

WORKSHOPS & MILONGA: Atelier Sol, Maria-Lassing Straße 33 Atelier 1.02, 1100 Wien

15:45 - 17:15 

Workshop #5: SACADAS (Int./Adv.)

Sacada game for both roles and keeping the connection.

17:30 - 19:00

Workshop #6: GIRO (Int.)

Get the tools for a fluid, comfortable giro / ways to lead turn continously without interruption

19:00 - 23:00

Farewell Milonga @ Atelier Sol

DJ: tba





1 Workshop:     30€ / young**   24€

3 Workshops:   85€ / young**   68€
4 Workshops: 110€ /
 young**   87€
5 Workshops: 132€ /
 young** 103€
6 Workshops: 150€ /
young** 117€

** young = under 30


Milonga Galeria Ideal:            15€  / workshop participants 10€
Grand Milonga Central:          18€* / workshop participants 12€*
Farewell Milonga Atelier Sol:  12€  / workshop participants 10€

* Special Event: No vouchers or collective passes can be redeemed!


Send us an Email:



Sylvia Schumacher

Tel & WhatsApp: +43 676 35 08 135
Facebook & Messanger


Festivalito Tango PopUp, Tango PopUp Weekend and Milonga Central are organised by:

Verein Tango Pop Up

ZVR-Zahl: 1863233358

Verein zur Förderung lateinamerikanischer

Kulturen, Traditionen und Kunstformen

mit Sitz in 2353 Guntramsdorf, Austria